Come experience food as medicine! This is the first of a three-evening series at one of our favorite local cafes highlighting the amazing food and wisdom of Ayurveda. DUE TO WEATHER, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED 1 WEEK FROM IT’S ORIGINAL DATE.
Ayurveda is the complex and vast system of medicine of ancient India, still practiced today around the world. The word itself means “wisdom of long life” and holds food as one of the core principles for obtaining such. Ayurveda approaches food as the most basic and essential medicine. In Ayurveda it is said, “When diet is wrong medicine is of no use, when diet is correct medicine is of no need”.
Please join us for this monthly event! Each evening will feature a delicious and unique menu followed by a different discussion on core Ayurvedic principles as they relate to food. The intention is to build a healthy community around food, fun and knowledge. Ayurveda answers the question so commonly asked these days: “What am I supposed to eat?”
Tasting portion: $12
Full dinner: $20
Discussion is free and open to the public.
Follow AIM and the Dirt Bean on Facebook and Instagram for menu details for each upcoming event.