Upcoming Events
Ayurveda Night
Discussing ritucharya (seasonal lifestyle) as it pertains to vata season (winter). Come learn about all the ways we shift to support our mind, body and soul during this time of darkness and change. Oh, and fabulous, seasonally appropriate food!
Product Sales Event!
It’s our annual live product sale! Come join us at our local Christmas Craft Fair. We have lots of new products this year, including:
Tick Bite Kits (topical treatment for tick bites)
Lyme Tinctures
Adaptogenic Mushroom Tinctures
Ayurvedic Dental Care Kits
Muscle Balm
And all our tried-and-true products, like First Aid Butter, Beauty Balm, Ayurvedic Hair Oil and more.
Wild Women's Weekend Retreat
All things wild and wonderful… and women! This fall come experience sisterhood in the heart of Appalachia. Workshops, food, fire light. Click on the link below to see our detailed schedule of events.
Please contact the Yew Mountain Center directly to register!
Ayurvedic Cleanse Retreat
Ayurvedic Cleanse Retreat, May 3-5, 2024
The Yew Mountain Center
Hillsboro, WV
Rejuvenate yourself this spring! Come experience an Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse.
WHO: Lead by Julie Hare, MD (Allegheny Integrative Medicine, LLC) and Kristy Lanier, chef (The Dirt Bean, LLC/The PesciVeggie) are teaming up to bring you a weekend of incredible food and real medicine in the heart of Appalachia.
WHERE: This Live event will take place at the Yew Mountain Center in gorgeous Hillsboro, WV. Find out more about the Yew here.
What is an Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse?
Regular detoxification, or cleansing, of the body is essential to maintaining vital health into old age. In this practice we use a simplified elimination diet based on a dish called kitchari. Kitchari is made of various kinds of lentils, basmati rice, seasonal vegetables and specific spices that support efficient gut function and liver detoxification pathways. It is deeply nourishing (you will not be hungry) while very easily digested. By off loading the digestive tract while still supporting bodily functions we allow for a deeper-than-daily detoxification of the entire body… and mind. This cleanse practice also teaches us to rest the mind, making room to explore the inner landscape and allow for emotional release. Like all things Ayurveda, this practice is gentle, subtle but very powerful.
Ayurveda teaches us to change with the seasons in order to remain in balance and maintain vibrant health. Cleansing is an essential seasonal practice, typically done twice a year. We cleanse once in spring and once in fall as both these seasons impart energy that is conducive to letting go. Ayurveda teaches us to regularly practice releasing that which no longer serves us. Whether it be food, substances, habits or aspects of routine, we learn to examine and release that which weighs us down and drains us. An Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse is often described as the ultimate reset.
There will be two variations for this cleanse. One is to simply experience the retreat as it is. The other is to go deeper and to continue at home for a total of 5 days (2 retreat days, 3 at home, we will teach you how to do this!), completing the traditional time period that generates the best total body reset.
A live online Q&A will be held prior to our event via Zoom On April 20th @4:30 pm EST. Scroll down for details or view on Facebook. This is to explain what the cleanse looks like and to answer any questions. It is free and open to all, regardless of whether you have registered already or not. A recording will likewise be made available.
Below is our itinerary, subject to change.
Event fee $525 (does not include room rates)
Room Options
Onsight stays are available at the Yew Mountain Center. Most are room sharing, with some private room options available. Additionally, the Yew Mountain Center offers camper hook ups and primitive camping. If you are interested in staying on site with us, please request accomodations when emailing to register.
Locally, there are many AirBnB options for close-to-site stays, check it out here.
To register email: ayu.cleanse@gmail.com
Or call: (413) 478-3567
All meals are provided, each freshly prepared with organic ingredients and LOVE. Our chef The PesciVeggie is Ayurvedically trained. During the retreat we adhere to a vegetarian, gluten free, sugar free and nearly dairy free diet. Most of our meals will revolve around a dish called kitchari, the main cleanse “tool”. We use this simple dish as a nutritional tool to support your entire physiology while you detox. Kitchari provides all the protein, carbohydrates, fats and minerals you need. Despite being a complete food it is very easy to digest, which is the key to it being a detox support. You use very little body energy for digestion which allows for shifting the energy that energy to cleansing, all while maintaining excellent physiologic functional support.
Activities and Workshops
During our retreat you will have the opportunity to engage in a number of activities and seminars that help you detoxify - like breath work and gentle movement practices. There will be educational discussions and time spent in nature to deepen the meaning of what we are doing. All activities and workshops are optional. Throughout our time together there will be prescribed periods of rest. Experiencing conscious rest is really the most important part of the cleanse. Think of them as free periods to do whatever your heart desires. To read, sit quietly, nap… whatever. This is YOUR time.
There are a number of options for lodging at the Yew. We have room sharing opportunities on site.
On site rooms run $75/night if there are two or more people occupying a room. Private rooms are available for $150/night.
There are bunk rooms available for $20, these provide a semi-private space with shared bathroom facilities.
Camping is available as well. Campers requiring hook ups are $25/night. Primitive camping is $5/night. If you are primitive camping please bring lots of clothes and bedding so you don’t get cold!
What to bring
Comfy clothes, shoes for gentle trail walking and anything that supports you like reading material, personal journals or art supplies. We discourage phone and computer use. Of course, we understand dropping out of your life completely is not an option for everyone. There is wifi available on site. We challenge you to think about how to limit the use of electronic while with us.
Pre-Cleanse Zoom Q&A April 20th @4:30 pm EST
This Zoom call will take place two weeks prior to our retreat. It is open to anyone, whether you are registered or not. Please join us to as we discuss what to expect in detail, review our itinerary and answer all your questions. This meeting will be recorded and made available upon request if you are unable to attend live.
Please email allegheny.integrative@gmail.com for any questions or requests.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 820 1938 8691
Passcode: 2024
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcrhcWYDBD
Ayurveda Night @ The Dirt Bean
Come experience food as medicine! This is the third and final dining even of a three-evening series at one of our favorite local cafes highlighting the amazing food and wisdom of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is the complex and vast system of medicine of ancient India, still practiced today around the world. The word itself means “wisdom of long life” and holds food as one of the core principles for obtaining such. Ayurveda approaches food as the most basic and essential medicine. In Ayurveda it is said, “When diet is wrong medicine is of no use, when diet is correct medicine is of no need”.
Please join us for this monthly event! Each evening will feature a delicious and unique menu followed by a different discussion on core Ayurvedic principles as they relate to food. The intention is to build a healthy community around food, fun and knowledge. Ayurveda answers the question so commonly asked these days: “What am I supposed to eat?”
Full dinner: $20
Discussion is free and open to the public.
Live Zoom Link to this evening’s lecture!
In this final evening we are discussing one of the most important core topics in Ayurveda: Agni and Ama.
This is such an important subject we are going to make it available live via Zoom and in recording. Please feel free to hop on and attend remotely (if only we could serve you food at home as well!). Please note, passcode is the event date: 32324
Julie Hare, MD is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Ayurveda Night!
Time: Mar 23, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 8207 3970
Passcode: 32324
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• +1 309 205 3325 US
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• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 883 8207 3970
Passcode: 32324
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcrJ5FD3h1
Follow AIM and the Dirt Bean on Facebook and Instagram for menu details for each upcoming event.
Ayurveda Night @ The Dirt Bean
Come experience food as medicine! This is the second evening of a three-evening series at one of our favorite local cafes highlighting the amazing food and wisdom of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is the complex and vast system of medicine of ancient India, still practiced today around the world. The word itself means “wisdom of long life” and holds food as one of the core principles for obtaining such. Ayurveda approaches food as the most basic and essential medicine. In Ayurveda it is said, “When diet is wrong medicine is of no use, when diet is correct medicine is of no need”.
Please join us for this monthly event! Each evening will feature a delicious and unique menu followed by a different discussion on core Ayurvedic principles as they relate to food. The intention is to build a healthy community around food, fun and knowledge. Ayurveda answers the question so commonly asked these days: “What am I supposed to eat?”
Tasting portion: $12
Full dinner: $20
Discussion is free and open to the public.
Follow AIM and the Dirt Bean on Facebook and Instagram for menu details for each upcoming event.
Ayurveda Night @ The Dirt Bean - DATE CHANGE
Come experience food as medicine! This is the first of a three-evening series at one of our favorite local cafes highlighting the amazing food and wisdom of Ayurveda. DUE TO WEATHER, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED 1 WEEK FROM IT’S ORIGINAL DATE.
Ayurveda is the complex and vast system of medicine of ancient India, still practiced today around the world. The word itself means “wisdom of long life” and holds food as one of the core principles for obtaining such. Ayurveda approaches food as the most basic and essential medicine. In Ayurveda it is said, “When diet is wrong medicine is of no use, when diet is correct medicine is of no need”.
Please join us for this monthly event! Each evening will feature a delicious and unique menu followed by a different discussion on core Ayurvedic principles as they relate to food. The intention is to build a healthy community around food, fun and knowledge. Ayurveda answers the question so commonly asked these days: “What am I supposed to eat?”
Tasting portion: $12
Full dinner: $20
Discussion is free and open to the public.
Follow AIM and the Dirt Bean on Facebook and Instagram for menu details for each upcoming event.
AIM Collaborators
Kristy Lanier, Ayurvedic Chef, Owner of the Dirt Bean, LLC and the PesciVeggie
Kristy is a former off-road triathlete and mountain bike racer. It was through exploring her physical abilities she discovered the importance of nutrition and her love for excellent food. Studying Ayurveda elevated her understanding of food as medicine.
She has owned and operated The Dirt Bean Cafe and Bike Shop for 20 years. However, her passion for creating delicious and deeply nutritious food is brought to life through her solo business as a concierge chef, The PesciVeggie.
Rebecca Servoss, NC-BC, RNC-NIC, Ayurvedic Counselor
Rebecca is the Co-Founder and COO of Marigolde. She a nurse, writer, and mother. Rebecca is profoundly dedicated to seeing that people who are traversing the deeply transformational experiences of birth, death, and loss, are met with a compassionate multifaceted framework that centers equity and safety.
After her own experience as a NICU parent, Rebecca began working as a birth and postpartum doula, and lactation educator. Since earning a B. S. in Nursing at University of New Mexico, she has worked as a clinical neonatal nurse at the University of New Mexico Hospital, John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, and Rush University Medical Center.
Rebecca is the author of Navigating the NICU: A Guide to Self Care for NICU Parents and currently serves as the Neonatal Bereavement Team Co-Chair at University of New Mexico Hospital.
Rebecca is a Board Certified Holistic Nurse Coach and Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and offers clients an intuitive and holistic approach to vitality and resilience while creating structure to safely explore and express their grief.
Jenn Brooks, Yoga Instructor, Ayurvedic Counselor
As an experienced yoga practitioner and educator, Jenn is on a quest to build a more loving and peace-driven world. She believes this starts at the grassroots level in the community and by cultivating belonging.
Jenn has more than a decade of experience sharing peace practices designed to help the collective nervous system (and individual nervous systems) find safety and access the highly sought after relaxation response to better regulate mental, emotional and physical health. She facilitates these practices of peace through restorative yoga practices, workshops and retreats.
Jenn also offers personalized guidance to help seekers get unstuck from recurring patterns and cycles so they can move gracefully in the world. She does this through Vedic Astrology, Ayurvedic and Awareness Coaching.
Learn more at www.huntingtonyoga.com or read Jenn's astrological insights at www.thewisdomsanctuary.com.
You can reach Jenn at huntingtonyoga@gmail.com for inquiries or more info.